Help International Benidorm is a registered charitable organisation, with no political or religious affiliations, run by volunteers to provide help to residents and visitors of all nationalities in emergencies, times of need and illness. They may have nobody else to turn to. Our volunteers adhere to a code of conduct and confidentiality to protect the clients.
For General and urgent enquires call our president on (+34) 607387040

We provide assistance in times of crisis due to illness or other emergencies and direct people to the most appropriate agencies. Click Link
WE can only offer short term support but we do arrange to pass people on to appropriate services.

We loan wheelchairs and other mobility and medical equipment on a short-term basis ( maximum 3 months). See EQUIPMENT Loan .
We also loan out static oxygen concentrators usually to tourists who can not manage only with portable machines. CLICK LINK

We have several Spanish speaking volunteers who can assist people at medical appointments and other official appointments dealing with Spanish officials or handling emergencies requiring the Spanish language. We do not interpret for comercial or legal matters but can recommend private interpreters. See;